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Sep 27, 2022

Solar Panel Pergola

In a time when green energy is more affordable than ever, homeowners are looking for various ways to begin generating their own green electricity. Solar panels are the most popular choice and they can come in numerous options including standalone panels (best portability, lowest electricity production potential), roof panels (least portability, highest electricity production potential), and more.

But, a new option that’s begun emerging in homes across the US are solar panels on pergolas. 

What is a Solar Panel Pergola?

Solar panel pergolas are an excellent choice if the homeowner wants to build a solar system but is limited by some of the following factors:

  • Lack of roof space for roof solar panels
  • Have an old roof that cannot support solar panels
  • Have a roof that isn’t southern-facing
  • Have a roof with barrel tiles
  • Is interested in a different option than the roof

However, because pergolas are commonly used for creating relaxation areas or for covering outdoor sitting and dining, there’s a certain element of aesthetics that goes into consideration as well. 

The great news is that the pergola design is strictly up to the homeowner to decide, down to the minute details. These include the type of wood used in building the pergola, the size, or the design itself. 

Solar pergolas can be any size (figuratively speaking) but in general, their size depends on the size of the solar system the homeowners want. Some homeowners want smaller pergolas because they don’t need too much electricity while others prefer larger ones so they don’t have to pay the power bill at all. 

What is the Typical Size for a Solar Panel Pergola?

The typical size of a solar panel pergola is 10’ x 10’ because it’s a perfectly balanced mixture of function and electricity production. They’re also large enough to cover most outdoor areas that need top cover. 

Most solar pergolas have between 6 and 20 solar panels but there are cases where it’s possible to install 36 or more. It’s worth noting that each solar panel reduces an average of $6 from your power bill. 

Also, the installation of solar pergolas is preferably done away from trees (that can disrupt the production efficiency by creating shade over the panels) but in some cases, this simply isn’t possible. After all, solar pergolas aren’t the primary choice if you’re purely looking to produce electricity. 

Lastly, solar pergolas are usually flat to maximize the efficiency of solar energy production. However, because finding the perfect location for one is inherently difficult, they’re often slightly pitched to guarantee optimal performance. 

Solar Panel Pergola Benefits

There are a couple of benefits related to installing solar panels on a pergola. These range from power bill savings to aesthetic value; let’s cover the most important ones:

Most US states provide incentives to homeowners who are looking to install solar systems. Tax exemptions and tax deductions are just a few. Solar panel pergola installation can be included with the tax credit so you’d be spending less overall. 

For tax purposes, solar pergolas are considered custom racking systems but - they also provide shelter and cover for outdoor entertainment areas, meaning you can leverage the tax credit with ease. In short, the US will pay up to 30% of the cost of your new outdoor entertainment area. 

The planning and execution of solar panel installation on a new or existing pergola generally takes around 3 weeks from the moment you sign the contract. 

How Expensive are Solar Pergolas?

For reference, the most popular solar pergola size (10’ x 10’), without the cost of solar panels, starts at around $1,500. Keep in mind that this is an average price; in your specific situation, it may be higher or lower than that based on the overall design, materials used, and size. 

Once the pergola price is determined, the cost of the solar panels is applied. An average 10kW solar system can cost anywhere between $20,000 and $35,000. The average number of solar panels needed for this sort of power production is around 26. Keep in mind that pergola-based systems are considerably smaller and less expensive.

In essence, they are usually less expensive than roof solar panels (especially if a roof replacement is necessary), but they aren’t very cheap either, predominantly due to the solar panel cost. Still, considering the aforementioned tax incentives, the system can ‘pay itself off’ after a few years of use. 

Can Solar Panels be Added to Existing Pergolas?

Absolutely! Pergolas are fairly versatile when it comes to solar panel installation so in most cases, existing pergolas can support a fresh batch of solar panels. However, your solar installers will still come out to check in case the material used or the size of the pergola doesn’t make it viable.

Solar panels can usually fit on a number of outdoor structures just fine including canopies, carports, and pergolas. So if you don’t want to or can’t add solar panels to your roof, pergolas are a great way of utilizing solar power. 


Solar panels have enabled homeowners to alleviate some of the financial stress associated with owning a home, especially in turbulent times. They are a great method of reducing the output of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.

Your power bill will be smaller and you’ll help reduce the amount of power the power plants will have to generate. Overall, solar panels are an excellent investment. 

Pair that with the fact they can be added on pergolas for cheaper compared to a roof solar system. They’re also incredibly versatile and efficient as outdoor structures that complement entertainment areas. 

So, if you’re interested in building your very own solar system but you can’t do it on the roof and the standalone panels aren’t strong enough, a solar panel pergola will suit your needs perfectly. 

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